"I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them."
Romans 16:17 (NIV) "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them." Titus 3:10 (NIV) Have you ever encountered a divisive person? They are everywhere. They are found in the workplace, and anywhere where there are a group of people who have authority over them. They, unfortunately, are in the local churches. Individuals who are divisive don't see themselves as that. So, what does that word, 'Divisive' mean? A divisive person causes disunity and dissention among others. This individual is often disgruntled, angry, and upset with someone or a decision that was made that rub them the wrong way. They not only refuse to comply with what they're told; they get others to go along with what they think and feel. They sometimes rise up against those in authority. This is a sin. This dishonors the Lord. They are rebellious and so are the ones who follow them. Rebellious persons almost always seem to have followers. Followers come in two categories: 1. Those who are in agreement with the rebellion 2. Those who quietly look the other way The sin of commission and the sin of omission is one in the same. To wrongly instigate a situation or to ignore that instigation makes both parties guilty. The sin of omission is committed when someone fails to do what they know is right where God is concerned. It is seen in: 1. The failure to speak up about another's known sin (not addressing it with them) as well as failing to speak against the gossip (or evil speaking) being brought to them. 2. The failure to rebuke their fellow believer when they are in the wrong. 3. The failure to say anything by just being a bystander to wrong behavior, and ill speaking when done in their presence. Let us not forget Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Numbers 16. Korah initiated the rebellion, and 250 men agreed with him and followed as well as Dathan and Abiram. Long story short, they were judged by God and killed. The earth opened up and swallowed them. They rebelled against the leadership God chose and influenced others to go against that leadership. Rebelliousness has far reaching consequences. Korah's sin impacted others, their households, and the people of God. Korah's attitude and conversation caused 250 men to rise up against the Moses and Aaron. God will judge these individuals by allowing sad and terrible events to happen in their lifetime as well as in the judgement to come (the judgement seat of Christ). As Christians, we will all be judged for how we've lived out our Christian life. What category do you fall in? The Word of God is clear. We are to know who's causing division among us and to separate ourselves from them. God is for unity among His people and anyone causing disunity must be shunned. Don't be a part of anyone or anything that goes against the authority God has placed over you in your local church. Leaders are certainly not perfect, but we are not to disrespect them, neither gather others to speak against them. You may not always agree with their choices or decisions, and if that is the case, go to God first with your complaint and prayerfully and humbly approach them privately with your concerns. Korah had a leg to stand on with his complaint, but he was dead wrong in how he went about it.
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