Sequel To: 'Called To Suffer'
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This review is from: Rich Beyond Measure: The Spiritually Wealthy Christian (Kindle Edition)
“Riches are things that one gains when they work hard and make the necessary sacrifices while learning to be frugal. Every time I endured trials and challenges, while remaining faithful to God, my riches began to accumulate.”
God never said Christians would have an easy walk; in fact, there will be trials and tribulations. However, with each one we go through with God’s help we are accumulating spiritual wealth that is priceless. In “Rich Beyond Measure”, Patricia takes us through some of the trials she has endured, granting her readers personal access in what she has learned through her experiences. With a writing style that is down-to-earth, she has created an extremely honest and thought-provoking resource that reads like talking to a dear, sweet friend who really cares. There is so much to glean from this jam-packed book it is not one to be read once and done, it truly is one to be read over and over again. My personal favorites are “Fellows in the Ship” which is about much more than fellowship, but surrounding yourself with those who will stand strong with you in your times of need and a reminder to be with others when they are suffering too. “Sweet Suffering” I found to be beautifully written advice, that no matter the circumstances, if we take God’s hand and walk wherever He leads, we will find the riches down deep in the ocean."
"God-inspired as well as awe-inspiring I found this book to be the cool cup of water my soul needed. Patricia’s heartfelt book is a must read for all Christians walking through sufferings and needing a shot of encouragement."
-Cheri Roan
"RICH Beyond Measure is a book that emphasizes the importance of accumulating spiritual wealth by depending totally on the Lord. The obvious message is that we really deprive ourselves of emotional and spiritual blessings when we do not wait on the Lord to handle all of our problematic situations. Through constant prayer and journaling, we can develop a meaningful prayer life and track our growth. this is a book that I would recommend because it's clear, concise, and enlightening!"
-Rosalyne Gardiner
"This is such an encouraging and beautiful book!"
-Jim McCall
"It is always encouraging when the author is honest and straight forward! I liked the fact that the author was down to earth and not afraid to tell the truth. I was uplifted by her perspective on her circumstances and the insight she had gained in relation to the Lord."
-Sheila Barnes
"The Christian path is not an easy one! We all have had our ups and downs. It is good to know that there is a bigger picture that we should be focusing on. I will start a spiritual journal. I wish I had known about this idea sooner."
-Dante Williams
"I especially like the story she told about her son and the challenges she faced in his earlier years. That stuff was no joke. I could only imagine the stress and strain she was under as a mom having to deal with that. God was faithful to her because from what I understand, her son is living for the Lord! God honored her prayers and commitment to her children."
-Gary Brenner
"This is a very interesting book. It's easy to read and easy to understand. I dislike Christian based books that use a lot of words that you have to stop and look up in order to understand what the author is saying. She breaks it down so simply and you understand what she is saying. I get the most from books written this way. I really enjoyed reading 'Rich Beyond Measure!"
-Elizabeth Chaney
"From the title of the book, you get the impression that it was going to be one of those books that gave you a lot of instructions and lists on how to be a spiritually wealthy Christian, but instead, the author, Patricia Stuart, uses a different approach that clearly defines what one is. This was a different approach for me, but it worked, because I ended up understanding what this spiritual wealth looked like. Not bad, not bad at all! This was a book worth reading!"
-John Simmons
"Wow! I never thought about what it looks like to live beneath your means! I had to rethink some of the choices I've made. This book proved to be an easy read. I was able to keep up with it and understand it. It was simple, yet profound. Thank You Patricia!"
-Dorothy Walters