This book is for all you ladies out there who are in 'Girlfriend' friendships!
Now ladies, we know that sometimes there are struggles in our relationships with one another and often, we don't understand what the problem is.
Why the cattiness and Jealousy? Why is there a lack of support?
What is behind such behavior?
Read this book and perhaps you will get a better understanding, because....
To Be Called "Girlfriend" Is A Privilege!
Cover Art
Internationally Acclaimed Artist Jonathan Green
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Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/author/patriciastuart
About Me: http://about.me/patricia_stuart
Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20956769-to-be-called-girlfriend-is-a-privilege?ac=1
*** Reviews ***
This Book Has Been Endorsed by The TBAP Reviews
Professional Review: From: Miranda's To Be A Person
This Book Has Been Reviewed by 'Reader's Favorite'
Reviewed by Katelyn Hensel for 'Reader's Favorite'
"Patricia Stuart has an interesting concept in her new book, To Be Called "Girlfriend" is a Privilege. This self-help book with a Christian mindset explores the wonderful bond of female friendships and how they need care to grow. Sisters, best friends, girlfriends are all wonderful relationships that, when healthy, can be some of the most satisfying relationships to have. Set up in a cute "dinner party" format, you explore the strengths and weaknesses that can be present in the bond between women. I felt comfortable reading and considering many of the ideas presented in the text.
One of the best questions that Patricia Stuart brings to the table is the question of, "would you want to be friends with you?" What a question. In today's world, people more commonly ask what others can do for them, why the other person isn't being a good friend, why no one seems to understand ME. If we take the focus off ourselves and put it into your friend's perspective, what truths would we find there? I know that I'm a bear in the morning. Less sturdy friends would be terrified of me, but my roommate in college just yelled at me to get my butt out of bed and made me coffee. She is the kind of girlfriend worth having, and appreciating friendships like those really makes you conscious of how you yourself act within the friendship."
"In my opinion, we [society] at times, take words for granted. At times we allow words to become a hindrance as opposed to assistance. Some women refer to their best friends as ‘girlfriends’ but other proudly state that they don’t have female friends. “Women can’t be trusted”, “I don’t run with chicks”, or “Too many women cause problems” can be heard from some women when asked how do they feel about having female friends. Can women have healthy friendships? Should they? Is it a reflection on them? (Meaning is the problem with other women per se or a self-esteem issue?) These questions can be answered in Patricia Stuart’s latest book To Be Called Girlfriend Is A Privilege. I enjoyed reading and re-reading several passages in the book and love the fact that there are questions posed for discussion that is suitable for book clubs and group readings. Patricia poses questions that if we are honest with ourselves, causes us to delve into the way we ‘see’ the world and why. If we are honest with ourselves as individuals, we will approach this book with an open mind and challenge ourselves to grow. I would recommend this book to avid readers and individuals seeking change! This is a “must have”. Tell your friends and pass it on! "
-Carolyn A. Smith
"It's very practical & down-to-earth. It has good tips for making & maintaining solid healthy "girlfriend" relationships. I really like the discussion questions at the end of each chapter."
-Rosalyne Gardiner
"Patricia Stuart creatively takes the reader on a journey to recognize the relationships among women. She motivates the woman to embrace her individuality and accept that being different in no way equates to being less than. This self-care approach allows one to better understand the relationships in our lives and get on a path of developing healthy relationships. Stuart Brilliantly discusses the beauty and the breakdown of female relationships, as she reminds the reader of the qualities of some of the women in the bible in comparison to what we see in relationships, today. You imagine being plotted against by someone as evil as Jezebel, tormented like Hannah, who remained faithful , the love Rachel and Jacob had despite the presence of Leah, or even part of a special inner circle like Jesus had with James, John, and Peter. The lessons taught over a few thousand years ago combined with Stuarts thought provoking messages aids the reader to honestly examine her own relationships as well as her own behavior that contributes to certain relationships. In To be called “girlfriend” is a privilege, Stuart inspires you to settle for the best of relationships while putting God first, so this is a must have for all women and a perfect gift for the ones we are privilege to call our girlfriends."
-Carol Williams
"Not only did I enjoy the book but it gave me a different outlook on the matter. Just reading everyone's thoughts along with what you wrote became very useful to me as I'm sure it did for others. Can't wait to see what you think of next."
-Alicia Jones
"This book is just awesome! It will make you take a very honest look at yourself before looking at others. This is a MUST READ - I thoroughly enjoyed it!"
-Diana Dowrich
"Friendships with other women can pose conflict and difficulty. I know personally how ugly we can be as women! I now have a better understanding in how to identify certain pattern of behaviors. I never thought to look at Penninah and Hannah's family dynamic in the way that the author has shared it. This book gave me a lot to think about as well as forcing me to take a good look at my own relationships with others! This is a Great and Insightful Book!"
-Donna Wilson
"I wish there was a women's retreat on this subject or a seminar! I would like for the author, Patricia Stuart, to address some of these things in person. This book opened my eyes to so many things. It allowed me to look back on past relationships and understand what went wrong on my part and on the part of others."
-Sharice Johnson
"I was very enlightened reading this book. I'm glad that the author took me on a journey where I can reflect on myself as a girlfriend to others. It was good to read on different aspects of personalities, take inventory of where I am in my relationships and be encouraged with wisdom on my role in my relationships. It's a book I would definitely read again. I'm happy that the author was also transparent about her past experiences where I got the gift "me too". It's encouraging to know when you're not alone in the gifts, joys, conflicts and other aspects of various relationships."