There are times we find ourselves in personal situations that require us to make certain decisions. As Christians, generally speaking, we know overall what God's mind is for us but, when it comes to our own individual circumstances, we need a specific word from Him that is tailor-made for us. It's important to pray openly and honestly about everything we're experiencing or going through; don't leave out any details, even if it's stuff you're not proud of. Let God know that you trust Him enough to handle whatever it is, and do leave the results to Him as well. Sometimes God will show us an interesting path to take that isn't what we had in mind when we prayed. God has a way of intervening in our lives and guiding us through sticky situations. After all, He knows all of the particulars we're dealing with, He knows all the people who are involved or who may get involved, and He knows all of the possible pitfalls we may encounter. We're just looking at the mountain in front of us, but God sees the falling rocks, the holes, and the dangers as we try to navigate our way through. He's knows which way to go, which way to handle what needs handling, and He knows when it's time to do so. There may come a time when we need an 'OUT' because it's a no win situation we're looking at. God shows us how to handle those too. I know, I have been there. God is concerned with us growing and prospering in our lives and I'm referring to things that are not spiritual things only. Our everyday lives and the events in it are important to God. Things relating to our jobs, home and family, our health, friends, etc. impact our lives greatly.
God sees all the circumstances we're in. He has something to say about each one. That is why we should commit everything to God in prayer regularly. Don't take anything for granted. There may be relationships that are hindering us from moving forward in life, while there are others that are simply unhealthy for us. We may need to exchange one job for another, or make a crucial decision concerning our health. God will always let you know when to make a change, when to get a second opinion, and when to simply 'let go'. Don't make your own decisions about terminating friendships, leaving your job, or considering a particular medical procedure until you speak with God about it, then 'Wait' for His answer. That's very important! In conclusion, pray about everything, and trust God for your particular situation. Ask God for the wisdom needed to handle whatever challenges you're facing right now. No one, and I mean 'NO ONE' can tell you exactly how to handle your personal affairs! There are ins and outs to every situation. You have to hear from God Himself with specific instructions for each circumstance in your life!
"Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God."
Philipians 4:6 These are stressful and worrisome times! There's a lot to be concerned about. I can't imagine the impact this pandemic has had on everyone. Many, have been affected by it in one way or the other. One thing for sure is this, we cannot afford to get spooked by every news media outlet and their take on the subject of the Covid-19. It's imperative that you and I understand the facts, take the necessary precautions, stay home, and keep the faith. Once you do everything you can, you leave the results to God. He is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (everywhere at all times), Omniscient (all knowing), and He is God all by Himself. We, as a nation, have never traveled this road before, and the powers that be (on the earth) don't have all the answers. They just don't know a lot about this virus but, God knows everything about it and how it will affect each person's body. He's the one we should be consulting! If you have loved ones who are sick with the Corona Virus, pray for them earnestly, and fervently. If you are also in the throws of the virus, pray to God and tell Him what you need. He's listening, and He is here for you, right now, in the present. Place your trust in the one who has all the answers. He will give you peace that is beyond understanding. I am reminded of the one who spoke the world into being by saying, "Let there be", I am encouraged. There is nothing too hard for God. All He has to do is say the word and poof, it'll all be gone! Remember the woman with the issue of blood? She said, if only I could touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole. She really believed that! (Matt. 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48) What are you believing Him for today? Remember when Peter's mother in law was sick with fever and she was seriously ill, Jesus came to her and ordered her sickness to depart and just like that, it left her and she got up and started serving them. (Luke 4:38-40) God is in charge, not the president or the powers that be on this earth. Make your appeal to Him, first and foremost! I don't know what you're going through right now, maybe it isn't the Corona Virus, perhaps it's something else bothering you, whatever it is, Jesus is on the mainline, tell Him what you want, call Him up and tell Him what you want! He is faithful, He loves and cares for you, and He can be trusted! Don't give up, don't give in, keep the faith! REMEMBER SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO? GOD DIDN'T PUT OUT THE FIRE. HE JUST PUT ESUS IN THERE WITH THEM AND THEY CAME OUT UN-SINGED, AND WITHOUT SMOKE. IT'S NOT ABOUT GOD STOPPING ALL THE THINGS THAT LOOK BAD; IT'S ABOUT WHO'S IN THERE WITH YOU. |
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