This is the last day of the year, and what a year it has been! Never before in my generation and the one behind, have we heard, seen, or experienced such catastrophic events! Its been heart wrenching and sad, and it's been overwhelming for many. As we enter phase 2 of this pandemic, there's a stronger strain spreading from state to state. While some are getting the vaccine, there are many who are not candidates to receive it due to health related issues. It almost seems as if there is no hope in sight. I have lost people I knew to this devastating virus. It has touched my family as well. If I didn't know God, I would not have been able to keep my wits about me. Faith in God and prayers to the One who is the Almighty left us with peace, and calm during a difficult time. And so, here we are, at the end of another year. If you are reading this, you were given the blessed opportunity to see the last day of 2020. I am concerned as to how you're making it through. What have you chosen to place your faith in? To whom do you go when you are afraid? I give you Jesus! Perhaps you have heard of Him, perhaps you have had a personal encounter with Him. Never the less, He is the One who has the peace, the comfort, the strength you need during these perilous and difficult times! If you don't know Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, maybe this bible verse will help you: John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." You see, life on this earth isn't all there is. There is an after life that will go on for an eternity. There are two places that eternity will be, heaven is one, and there's another place that is far from the presence of God. A place of judgement for un-repented sins and rejection of this Savior who died at Calvary for your sins and mine. What I love about God is that He forces no one to come to Him. We all have a free will to choose as we wish. I pray that you will choose wisely where you will spend eternity. So as this pandemic continues, death will continue to surround us more and more. I really hope that you will not be personally visited by the Covid-19 virus, but because it comes to who it will, you want to be assured that you are covered, spiritually speaking. I will be praying for you. Have a peaceful and healthy New Year! And May God Bless You and your family!
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