Criticism: Judge a person unfavorably, fault finding.
1 Thessalonians 5: 11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build up one another." Hebrews 10:24 says, "Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds." A critical spirit can be very damaging to others. A critical spirited person looks to find fault and never seems to show true support with encouragement. This is a malady among believers. Godly criticism can come into play when there are legitimate signs and or acts of sinful behavior being displayed or ungodly words being used. There is a time and a place for it. I have personally experienced critical spirited persons and over time it wore on me to the point where I learned to keep my distance. No matter how I tried on occasion to give the benefit of doubt, it would never fail, more criticism came. I couldn't help but think that the individual was masking an underlying problem. Critical people tend to give unwanted, unsolicited advice. They seem to be blindly insensitive to others, unless you are a family member or person in their camp whom they approve of. Sometimes a lack of affirmation in a person's childhood causes them to later become a person who is critical of others. The damage critical people do is far reaching. They eventually alienate others because they turn them off. Critical people have a lot of pride. How dare you walk into a room and don't speak to them first? "Did you not see me?", they exclaim. I am mindful of what the scripture teaches on the subject of encouragement. Encouragement goes a long way. It can make a powerful difference in a person's life. We all need encouragement. Let us make an effort to encourage others be it little progress that a person is making or a big accomplishment. Let us encourage others when we see spiritual strides amidst great difficulties and challenges. Let us acknowledge those who are using the talent and skill God has given them.
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