1 Chronicles 28:9-10 "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it." There is so much advice floating around out here about how to be a success at whatever you are doing. Before technology came in, people who were looking to establish a business went the route of taking classes and consulting those who were successful business persons. Today, we have the powerful wheel of 'Social Media' and the encouragement to generate as many followers as possible in order to put yourself out there with the hopes of landing it big. I'm not disputing the fact that there are some testimonials of people who did make it big via Instagram, however, social media will consume you and cause your emotional state of mind to go up and down depending on numbers and clicks. It's an absurd way to judge 'Good Success'. It is fleeting, unreliable, and used by the enemy (Satan) to rob us of our confidence and faith in God's promises to us. It is designed to keep believers from focusing on God. As a Christian, do you have on your key ring the main key that opens every possible and impossible door of success, or are you following the steps dictated by society? Does the world's view on success and how to achieve it fit the believer? Unfortunately, one size does not fit all. In the above scripture text we read of King David advising his son Solomon on how he (David) achieved success as Israel's second king. The admonition he gives to Solomon is the same for us. In a nutshell, David says that the key to his success was in his relationship with God. Often, as Christians, we overlook the obvious, or the thing that seems to be simple. Sometimes those are the very key components to achieving success in whatever we 're doing. There are many voices out there that are willing and ready to dictate to us how to become successful, but if the premise from which they are working does not include God's instructions, the strategy won't work! A solid, personal, sincere relationship with the Lord Jesus is necessary; for it is the Lord who knows exactly what path you need to be on to achieve anything successfully. I'd rather follow the Lord's opinions and thoughts than taking a shot in the dark at something that supposedly worked for someone else. God's plan to give you and I a good future is an individual plan. One size does not fit all! Long before we accepted Him as our personal savior, He had a plan for our lives already laid out with everything we needed in order to be victorious and successful. Our responsibility is to simply follow His guidelines and trust the He knows what is best for us. So, when someone comes with a strategy or plan that 'They' think you should follow, run it by God first! Wait long enough to get the 'Go Ahead' from Him before you leap. Remember, anything God doesn't bless will always bring more drama and problems into your life. There will be losses you'll suffer and regrets that cannot be changed. Remember what King David told his son, Solomon! Your success if dependent upon your relationship with God!
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