Do you have a 'Panic-Room'? Do you know where one is? A Panic-Room is a safe-room. It is heavily fortified, and you are completely safe from all danger. Did you know that rich people are investing in these rooms in their homes? They are looking to be protected from break-ins, robbers and killers. Frankly, they are the only ones who can afford to have one constructed in their home. Some years ago, there was a movie entitled, Panic Room. One day while a mother and her daughter were home, thieves broke into their lovely home, and they sought refuge within the panic-room. It was amazing to see the security it had. The robbers discovered that someone was still in the house and tried their best to drill and break into the room but couldn't. There were cameras inside the room where they could watch throughout the house where the thieves were. "When my soul is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I" (Psalm 61:2). "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble" (Psalm 46:1). The above verses say it all, in my opinion. We have a 'Panic-Room'! There will come a time in everyone's life when it all becomes too much to handle, naturally speaking. Trials can be heavy upon us. Crisis situations arise that frighten us to no end. Many are sick with deadly disease trying to claim their life. It's horrific, the things Christians and people in general are experiencing. Everyone's looking for a Panic-Room! We all need a safe room where no one can penetrate the walls of our mind and heart gripping it with fear. We need to feel safe from all harm, psychologically, physically, and emotionally. What's inside God's panic room: 1. An impenetrable shield 2. A powerful force 3. Arms of comfort 4. Divine protection 5. A way of escape at the right time There was only one dilemma in the movie, Panic Room. The woman's daughter was diabetic, if I'm correct. They ran into the room, forgetting her medication. The mother had to get out and retrieve the meds without the robbers catching her. Epic fail! While her daughter lay weak and limp in the panic room, the mother is faced with yet another challenge. The husband is looking for them and he gets caught in between the home invasion madness. While the rich seek refuge in what their money can buy, they're investment cannot buy peace of mind. Essentially, they are more worried than the poor man who cannot afford such luxury. There is no price for peace of mind! "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe" (Proverbs 18:10). When you know the Lord, you have everything you need to face the awfulness of what life brings! He is our refuge! Calling on His name alone sends the power force we need to withstand anything coming against us. We don't need a physical room to hide in. We don't need steel walls with hidden cameras. We only need to place our full trust in the Lord God! The moment life drops its weight on you, call on the name of the Lord! He will immediately take you into His panic room and shut the door! Inside with Him, you'll be calm. He'll minister to you and make sense of it all while providing what you need. It's important that you know how to get into His panic room! The enemy is counting on you being so distracted by your circumstances that you fail to get to the safe room. Don't give into your fears. It's perfectly alright to be afraid, just don't give in to it. Don't let fear dictate what you do. Call on the name of the Lord! He's a very present help in time of trouble! If you are reading this and you do not know Christ as your savior, please settle that right now. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever (anyone) believes in Him will not perish (die) but have everlasting life (Life beyond the grave, eternal life in heaven)" (John 3:16). Right where you are, confess to God that you are a sinner and are in need of a savior. Ask Him to come into your heart and save you from your sins. Sincerely believe, meaning it with all your heart, and He will save you and begin His wonderful transformation in your life!
Joseph was a commodity. He was a valuable asset to his brethren, the Ishmaelites, and to Potiphar. Potiphar's wife represents Satan, in that she sought to strip him of his godly dignity by getting him to submit to His flesh, and when that failed, she sought vengeance. That's the face of the enemy when he can't use us. He looks for those who aren't walking with God, or obedient to God, to turn on us because we refuse his advances. All of these individuals had arterial motives for their use of Joseph. As decent as we may think Potiphar was, he stood to benefit the most, as a businessman who had the best accountant ever! God allowed everyone's motives to fly because He had them all as part of His plan. There was a big picture, and they were a part of it. In chess, the pawns are on the table. You cannot play chess without the pawns, so I heard. Unfortunately, people will try to use you for what is of value to them. Sometimes fellow believers have been known to do the same. Joseph was a loving commodity for God. God was going to use him to save many lives. We can allow the world to use us and wring us out dry, or we can give ourselves, our talents, and skill to God for His eternal purposes. In the account of Joseph in Genesis 40:14 Joseph makes a request. "But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh and get me out of this house." This was a reasonable request after having interpreted the chief butler's dream. Not only that, the butler would also get his job back and be restored to Pharaoh's kingdom. Sadly, Joseph is forgotten. Two years go by before the chief butler remembers him. Ouch! You and I would have been infuriated, blowing smoke, and vowing to never help anyone else again. God's fullness of time has come for Joseph, ending his time in prison. Long story short, despite everything he has gone through, he remains steadfast, faithful and obedient to God. Now the big picture unfolds in a blessed and marvelous way for Joseph. What request have you been making to the Lord God? Is there a situation you need to get out of? Are you tired of your circumstances and needing an out? Here's the ultimate question. Have you been steadfast, faithful and obedient to the Lord? If the answer is 'yes', just know that the fullness of God's time hasn't come yet. There is a bigger picture and all the players on the table must get their turn on the board. God has not forgotten you. He is preparing you for something connected to your ultimate purpose. If your answer is 'no', confess to the Lord what's kept you from walking right and start right where you're at. Walk upright before the Lord God. Sit in His presence daily and spend time in prayer. He will guide you and see you through. Walking in the flesh blocks God's purpose for our lives. Are you willing to walk in the path He has laid out for you even if it means that you will lose friends, a social circle, family members, and opportunities? Are you willing to take up that cross regardless? Or would you rather straddle that fence? Joseph gave himself over to what God allowed. Was it hard for him? Absolutely! Was it burdensome? Absolutely! Did he suffer under the weight of it? Yes! Did he try to run? No! Was he heartbroken and lonely? He was! Did he want out? He certainly did! Keep trusting God in whatever situation you find yourself in. He is faithful and will deliver you in due time. He heard your request, and He has every intention on delivering you! "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." To boast means to talk with great pride with self-satisfaction about one's achievements; to brag or to glorify. Sometimes we brag about others in regard to something they've accomplished. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging another's achievements, skill, or elevation in life. It's the attitude with which we do these things. Some of us smote our breast, so to speak, with pride when we speak about the things our children are doing, the colleges or schools they attend, how many grandchildren we have, the house we bought, the car we drive and the vacation we took. Nothing is wrong with any of these things in themselves, it's how we speak of them and the attitude we display to others while speaking about them. In Psalm 34, David boasts and brags about how God delivered him when he was in trouble. He mentions with great fervor how God answered him when he cried to Him. We may boast about many things like: 1. The restaurants we like and the cuisine we enjoyed there 2. Friends who are doing impressive things 3. Our plans 4. Vacations we took and the places we've been 5. Our job position and how much money we make 6. Our homes 7. Our church/pastor 8. Celebrities we've met 9. People we admire 10. The things we can afford As Christians, our boast should be in the Lord God. But how can we boast in Him if we're not experiencing Him on a personal level? The list above describes things we brag about because we have had some first-hand experience with them. We've given them five stars as it were, that show they met with our approval. We're glorying in them. So, what about what God has done for you and for me? What are we bragging about where God is concerned? Has He met with our approval? There are those in the Bible who made their boast in the Lord: 1. Mary, the mother of Jesus (The Magnificat) in Luke 1:46-55) She certainly had something grand to boast in God about! 2. Hannah, Elkanah's wife, Samuel's mother (1 Samuel 2:1-10). What a powerful expression of praise and thanksgiving for answered prayer and the miracle of opening her womb! 3. Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron. She is the first praise and worship leader in the Bible. She takes her timbrel in hand and leads the praise in Exodus 15:20-27. 4. Naomi, Elimelech's wife, mother-in-law to Ruth, the Moabitess offers us her boasting when she returned to Bethlehem Judea from Moab in Ruth 1:22. May we make our boast in the Lord. Brag on Him by lifting Him up to those we come in contact with - in hopes that they may desire Him. Our boasting will only be as strong and deep as our appreciation is of Him and as strong as our relationship is with Him. Are you and I 'Surfacy' in our walk with Him, or do we have testimony for days of enduring many things and coming out on the other side? "Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking lies." Psalm 34:13
God has created every human with the ability to talk; there may be a few exceptions due situations one is born with. However, even the deaf manage to communicate using their hands. We all have the privilege to express ourselves and to have verbal exchange. As Christians our words should encourage, edify and enrich others. This is what God expects of us. In the above verse David is giving good advice concerning the tongue. He is speaking from personal experience. He pretended to be crazy in order to avoid danger and Abimelech dismissed him. David had no business in the environment he was in, but he was reacting out of fear. This caused him to deceive those around him. Deception is a lot like lying because it leads others to think that what they are seeing is the real deal, when it's a cover for something else. If it isn't the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it's a lie. Don't ever forget that! We are told to keep our tongue from evil speaking. Evil speaking involves words that are injurious, intentionally hurtful and words that can ruin a person's reputation. It is also called speaking ill of others. We are to make an effort to avoid using our tongue in this manner. Negative words end up bringing harm to the speaker by eventually making life difficult for them. What goes around does come around. What a man sows, he will also reap. Those same negative words will have consequences on the one who put them out there. An evil speaker will lose the trust and respect of others. They will not have good days. Trouble will follow them wherever they go. Evil speaking causes disunity (discord) among God's people and God hates this immensely. It is an abomination, as well as lying lips (Proverbs 12:22). In Proverbs 6:16-19 God lists six things that He hates and the seventh one in verse 19 says, "he that soweth discord among brethren." Lies and deceit create offenses, and it separates relationships that otherwise would be harmonious. There are different types of liars. There are prolific liars who lie easily at the drop of a hat. They have mastered and developed such a habit of lying that it becomes a part of them. They believe their own lies. They don't lie necessarily with the intent to do harm, but they do cause harm. Some are pathological liars in that they are aware of what they are doing. They mean it for harm. Let us judge our tongues and think twice before speaking. Let us hold our negative views of others and keep our thoughts to ourselves. Let us honor the Lord God in all that we say and do. "I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them."
Romans 16:17 (NIV) "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them." Titus 3:10 (NIV) Have you ever encountered a divisive person? They are everywhere. They are found in the workplace, and anywhere where there are a group of people who have authority over them. They, unfortunately, are in the local churches. Individuals who are divisive don't see themselves as that. So, what does that word, 'Divisive' mean? A divisive person causes disunity and dissention among others. This individual is often disgruntled, angry, and upset with someone or a decision that was made that rub them the wrong way. They not only refuse to comply with what they're told; they get others to go along with what they think and feel. They sometimes rise up against those in authority. This is a sin. This dishonors the Lord. They are rebellious and so are the ones who follow them. Rebellious persons almost always seem to have followers. Followers come in two categories: 1. Those who are in agreement with the rebellion 2. Those who quietly look the other way The sin of commission and the sin of omission is one in the same. To wrongly instigate a situation or to ignore that instigation makes both parties guilty. The sin of omission is committed when someone fails to do what they know is right where God is concerned. It is seen in: 1. The failure to speak up about another's known sin (not addressing it with them) as well as failing to speak against the gossip (or evil speaking) being brought to them. 2. The failure to rebuke their fellow believer when they are in the wrong. 3. The failure to say anything by just being a bystander to wrong behavior, and ill speaking when done in their presence. Let us not forget Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Numbers 16. Korah initiated the rebellion, and 250 men agreed with him and followed as well as Dathan and Abiram. Long story short, they were judged by God and killed. The earth opened up and swallowed them. They rebelled against the leadership God chose and influenced others to go against that leadership. Rebelliousness has far reaching consequences. Korah's sin impacted others, their households, and the people of God. Korah's attitude and conversation caused 250 men to rise up against the Moses and Aaron. God will judge these individuals by allowing sad and terrible events to happen in their lifetime as well as in the judgement to come (the judgement seat of Christ). As Christians, we will all be judged for how we've lived out our Christian life. What category do you fall in? The Word of God is clear. We are to know who's causing division among us and to separate ourselves from them. God is for unity among His people and anyone causing disunity must be shunned. Don't be a part of anyone or anything that goes against the authority God has placed over you in your local church. Leaders are certainly not perfect, but we are not to disrespect them, neither gather others to speak against them. You may not always agree with their choices or decisions, and if that is the case, go to God first with your complaint and prayerfully and humbly approach them privately with your concerns. Korah had a leg to stand on with his complaint, but he was dead wrong in how he went about it. We live in a society where many feel that they're entitled to receive what they want. People wake up every day with no thought as to what keeps their heart beating, their eyes seeing, and their physical being functioning.
There used to be a time in history where only the older folk took ill or died. It was expected that the young would live longer than they're living today. Mankind hasn't taken stock of their life. The Gospel message of Salvation continues to go out in many churches and the call for sinners to repent is still being made. If you have stumbled upon my website, please stop and listen to this simple message of 'Love' written by Jesus Christ, Himself, for you! John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Have you ever heard that before? What do you think about that? You have been placed on the planet not by happenstance. There's no big bang theory that formed your intricately woven body. I need you to know that life is very unpredictable. People are dying all around you and some suddenly without warning. Where will your soul go should you die today, tomorrow or in the near future? What plans have you made for eternity? Your soul is eternal. One's body may die due to sickness, or car accident or simply one's heart may just stop beating. The soul of every human lives on beyond the grave. The question becomes, "Where will your soul end up." There is life after death. There really is a hell. That's the place souls go when they have rejected the Lord Jeus Christ's offer of salvation. Life is unpredictable at best. All that's needed for you to do is to confess your sins by simply recognizing that you have been a sinner and ask God to forgive you of your sins. But don't make that confession if you don't feel a need to change how you've been living. You should be sincere in your confession to God. He will forgive you and show you the way to live that He intended. A life full of blessing, and comfort with all the provision and help you need to navigate your way here on the earth. There's another thing God wants you to know. His son, Jesus Christ, has promised to return for all who have placed their faith and trust in Him. One day He's coming back to take His people to Heaven and there we will spend all eternity with Him. This offer of 'Salvation' will not be on the table forever. I don't want you to miss out on a life of bliss. We've pretty much come to the end of another year. Don't you think it's time to think seriously about where you will spend eternity? Think about it. Tomorrow isn't promised to you. "Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
Proverbs 27:17 Recently, I had the opportunity to spend time with a few fellow believers. This was outside of the church building. It was on our own time. We came together to discuss a portion of scripture as we are used to doing monthly in our bible study. We had a blessed time of it. Socializing and fellowship are two different things. True fellowship always involves spiritual things being shared. It brings the Lord front and center in our midst, and He speaks through the individuals who are present. The results are blessed indeed because each person can walk away encouraged with a word from the Lord. Who have you been spiritually keeping company with? Are the bulk of the conversations all about shop talk, where you're planning your next trip, or what your kids have accomplished? While those things bear some importance, they do nothing for one's spiritual life. It's important to bring more to the table when we're with other Christians. We have the responsibility to make generous deposits in each other's spiritual bank. In order to do this effectively, we have to daily sit at the feet of the Lord (reading His Word) while allowing Him to minister and speak to us and we to Him via prayer. This will allow us to walk in the Spirit. When another believer comes across our path it affords us an opportunity to share some aspect of the Lord as the conversation permits. This type of encounter can be so sweet, so vital and so uplifting. Let us be mindful of who we're keeping company with. Not every Christian is spiritually fit to make spiritual deposits. If all we're doing is socializing every time we come in company with fellow Christians, we're missing out on the benefit and blessing of 'fellowship'. It also means that our spiritual bank accounts are without funds. "Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our maker!"
Psalm 95:6) "But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago." Psalm 77:11-12 We are used to being so busy running here and there that we forget what it is to make time for reflection. Taking the time to reflect and remember important things. There are always things to do, places to go and people to see, but we must make time in our busy schedules to stop and reflect on the goodness and graciousness of God. It's something that should be done weekly, yes weekly because we soon forget to count our blessings by naming them one by one. How often do you go down memory lane recalling the many times the Lord God has answered your prayers, delivered you and opened doors that led to your success? What about all of the times He sent unexpected blessings; did you stop to thank Him for that? If we stop to consider where we would be had the Lord not saved us by His grace, we'd see the long list of things that require praise and thanksgiving. God desires that we be a thankful people. A people who are grateful and appreciative for everything He has done for us. We may even forget things like: >Waking up each day clothed and in our right minds >Having our six senses functional >Being fortunate in having a roof over our heads with food to eat each day >24/7 protection >Access to God through prayer and the reading of His Word There are tons of things to give thanks for on the daily, but something deeper takes place within us when we start from the beginning of our lives tracing the hand of God throughout every turn in the road to where we are today. This is important to do lest we forget how far we've come by His grace. As we near the end of another year that sped by quicker than the last one, may we stop long enough to ponder what great things God has done for us. May we think deeply on each event and praise God for all He's done in our lives. Pruning forks are used for pruning vines and branches. Vines and branches, from what I was made to understand, need to be cut back in order for the tree to produce more fruit and much fruit.
God uses this process with His children. He insists that they grow spiritually and mature with every trial and triumph. Yes, I mentioned 'Triumph' because it's in those times of blessing and joy that are hearts grow fonder and closer to God or should. This too adds to our growth. It's in times of trial and sorrow that are the hardest for us, at least for me anyway. Sometimes the Lord hurts us in order to heal us, He allows painful circumstances so that we may come full circle with whatever the issue is in our lives. The very thing that we prayed to not happen, sometimes is the very thing God allows. He is pruning us at this time. He feels that we need that situation for chastening purposes. It isn't necessarily that we did anything wrong or even sinned. He uses His chastening hand to perfect us spiritually, making us to be more like Him. John 15:2 says, "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." It's an ongoing process for the believers who are obedient and faithfully following Him. I know this doesn't sound inviting, but you and I will only measure up to what God wants us to be when we allow Him to prune us. May the Lord God help us to gain a right perspective on trials and may we come to agree with His process of maturing us and making us more like Christ. May we produce fruit, more fruit and much fruit for His glory. Amen! When Life Is Unfair, what do we do?
To my recollection, life has never not been unfair. Trials, and tribulations come to all. Troubles come to the weak and to the strong. Life's events do not discriminate. There are tons of Bible passages that speak to problems and disappointments in life. We can recount the stories of Bible characters who certainly had their share of life being unfair. Joseph, in Genesis 37, had some horrific crimes stacked against him. He was the victim of a kidnapping by his brothers (held against his will by being thrown into a pit), and then trafficked to some Ishmaelites. If that wasn't bad enough, he was accused of sexual misconduct by his boss's wife who sexually harassed him regularly, imagine that. Joseph was thrown into prison and when he helped others, he, himself was forgotten. His story has a sweet end because God's providential face was in it all. There was a purpose in all God allowed. Joseph's obedience to God as a young man, opened him up to these horrific trials. There is a price to pay for obedience to God, but it's never without a tremendous blessing. Joseph became Governor of Egypt and saved many including his own family during seven years of a fierce famine. David was hunted down by King Saul for many years because he was a young man of courage and character. Saul failed to have the guts as king to stand up against Goliath. It took a 17-year-old boy to verbally challenge this Philistine giant. David had had previous, powerful experiences that proved to him that he was never to be afraid of anyone or anything. Saul, on the other hand, ran and hid with his men behind a rock in fear of Goliath. Everyone's attention is now turned to this young teenage boy who took out a giant with a sling shot and a few smooth stones. Saul can't deal with the attention David is getting and seeks every opportunity to kill him (1 Samuel 19). He put David through hell. We read in the Psalms, from chapters 51 to 72, some of the heart felt agony David went through at the hands of his enemies. Having someone hunt you down for years threatening to kill you is traumatic, yet God allowed it because David was to be Israel's second king. God was through with Saul and his disobedient heart. Lastly, we have a woman by the name of Hannah who couldn't have children. She was the second wife of Elkanah in 1 Samuel 1. His first wife, Peninnah, had several children, and she made it her business to attack Hannah every chance she got. She made Hannah's life miserable. This went on for quite some time. Hannah's husband said the wrong thing by ranking himself to be more fulfilling than having a baby. It got to the point, one day, where it all came crashing in on Hannah. She couldn't take it any longer. She stopped eating due to depression and she went into the temple to cry out to God and to add insult to injury, the priest misunderstood the situation and accused her of drinking. Oh, my goodness! The priest, I tell you, the priest! He should have had more spiritual perception to know that this was a burdened heart. He was spiritually dull and lacking. Long story short, God answers her prayer, and she becomes pregnant with a son who would become a judge and a prophet in Israel. God gave her Samuel. What a sweet end to a bitter and unfair experience. Life is and will continue to be unfair, but when God is in the mix, you can expect great things to happen. What God allows, He allows on purpose for purposes of His own so hang in there and keep trusting and believing. God has a blessed end to it all! |
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