Acts 9:36 "Full of good works and alms deeds." We live in a society where putting our abilities and talents on display can earn us great things in return, provided we are deemed good enough. This is not a good thing. For how can I, how could I, take what God has so graciously given me and let anyone 'Rate' or 'Judge' its value??? This is a sin! We have been created by the 'Master Creator' Himself and He has given each of His children a portion of Himself, stamped in us from birth. Our natural abilities have been given to us by God. We are to develop them and bring them to the highest level of functioning that we can. Then, we are to offer them back to God in humble service for His use and for His glory. Dorcas was spiritual minded where her talents and abilities were concerned. Now, she may have been a little more well off than other women in her region, but she definitely was not selfish or conceited. She was a woman who was observant and discerning. She was a woman who gave her very best. She didn't just throw things together. Every ounce of love and care went into what she gave and did for others. Dorcas knew what the needs were in her community. She had a tool that she committed to God. Her 'Needle' brought comfort, help and blessing to many widows. When it was heard that Dorcas had died, the grief was overwhelming, especially for those who benefitted from her ministry. I could only imagine. Who's benefitting from your ministry, talent or ability? God, who sits high and looks low had a plan all of His own for Dorcas and the people who knew her. God used Peter to raise her from the dead. Can you imagine? One would ask, "Why did God allow her to die in the first place if He knew He would raise her from the dead"? Who is in the position to ask God anything? He is sovereign! He does as He pleases with people. God was definitely looking for more, for Dorcas and the people. He has an unorthodox way of doing things that simply do not make sense, to us, anyway. Dorcas used her talent and ability to help others and now God was looking to increase and broaden her territory through her death and resurrection. When the widow's grief was turned to tears of joy, what a time of worship that was! This act of raising Dorcas from the dead spread all over and her testimony ended up becoming phenomenal, especially to those who did not know her. For those who knew her, they were spiritually impacted beyond the ministry they had known her for. Dorcas' ministry would now take on a life of its own, differently than before. More powerful and impactful than before! Sadly, among some of us, as believers, we pride ourselves on our individual 'Service' to God, yet we are mediocre in doing so. Some brothers who 'Bring the Word', don't give much time to study and meditation of the word like in times past and they expect people to walk away fed and full and rejoicing. While others of us, haphazardly, handle the talent we've been given. We run and skim over the Sunday school lessons the morning of, without prayer, and study during the week. We throw our songs together just to get through them or we do the bare minimum in preparing what we are responsible for. Let us think on Dorcas and what it took for her to do what she did and see what we can learn from her. God deserves our very best! We all have been given different levels of ability; work yours to the highest potential that you can! Be an effective, powerful, servant who has mastered his or her craft!!! God deserves more than we give Him!
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