I can't recall hearing so many accusations against political figures as I've heard in the past year. When all you hear is account after account of lies being told to the American people, it's terrible, horrible, and repulsive, to say the least! I was in a conversation with someone, when they commented, "Everyone lies"! I looked at them with disdain and surprise and they looked back at me with a look that said, "You don't know this!? It is beyond sad when the world at large has no regard for the truth! But, I really could care less about the world; what concerns me is the community of folk who profess Christianity because they have been called to a higher standard! God is very clear on what He thinks of Lying, Liars, and Lies. So, what are some of the reasons that cause one to lie?
Any way you look at it, lying is a serious problem. I don't care if the whole world finds it okay, God says it is wrong! It is a sin! It is unacceptable, and punishable. Prov. 6:16, 17 says, "These six things does the Lord 'Hate', and seven are an abomination (detestable) to Him. A proud look, a 'Lying Tonge'." Have you ever been lied to or lied on? It's an awful thing. Being lied on can cause pain, and suffering. Being lied to, causes mistrust, and loss of respect. Lies destroy reputation, and it damages the local church body; even the liar gets his or her reputation ruined eventually. What about those individuals who say, "I never lied, I just said", so and so." The truth of it is that although they didn't state the lie outright, it's still a lie because they caused someone to believe something that wasn't true. That is called intentionally deceiving a person! Prov. 12:19 clearly states, "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment." Lies don't and won't last or prevail. Sooner or later, the truth wins out and the liar is exposed for all to see! So, if you are ever in a situation where you were lied to or lied on, it's only a matter of time for the truth to come out. I have seen this happen. In all actuality, you need to pray for the person who is doing the lying because the judgement of God will fall on them when they least expect it. God will not suffer a liar to persist in what they are doing. And should this liar spread lies on you, remember this; It is God who shuts mouths! He will literally shut them up by exposing them! There's another category of lying out there. It is the habitual liar. They are called 'Pathological Liars' because they chronically lie, and easily lie. Here is the problem with lying. It can become a habit! Once a person takes up lying, and get a PHD in it, it's almost virtually impossible for them to stop. This can be dangerous. This type of liar can cause a person to get killed. Rev. 21:8 says, "All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire." This speaks to pathological, habitual liars. They obviously know not God. What disturbs me deeply is the liar who lies unnecessarily. They fell into a situation that placed their back against the wall, and they consciously chose to lie. That really bothers me. They didn't have to handle the matter that way. They end up loosing their reputation and those who once trusted them, don't anymore. Even their ministry is compromised, and becomes a stumbling block. 2 Cor. 8:21 says, "Provide things honest before God and man." Not only are we to be honest before God, we are to be honest and have honest dealings with all men; and that means everyone. Ps. 31:18 states, "Let lying lips be put to silence, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous." This verse tells us that the liar will be silenced eventually. The lies they take pleasure in speaking, is causing pain and sorrow as they express deep hatred and disapproval for the person they are lying on. God plans on shutting their mouth! I will end with this verse. "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."! Lying does matter! It matters a great deal to God! NO ONE RESPECTS A LIAR!
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