In Times Past... Church offered a place to belong to. A place where true fellowship existed and when it was over, you walked away encouraged and glad to have been there because you got a glimpse of Christ and you felt His loving touch of care and concern. The tint and shade of many gatherings have changed. In Times Past... A brother or sister going through a rough time could count on getting support. There were fellow Christians who cared enough to call and check on you, especially if you were absent. They kept what you shared to themselves and only took it to the Lord. In Times Past... We enjoyed fellowshipping at our homes. Those were informal times where we not only caught up with each other, but we were able to see where we could meet the practical needs of one another. The food was good and the laughter too. In Times Past... The women were there for one another. They assisted, and supported you with your endeavors. They encouraged your talent and skill, and some even found ways where you could be useful in the body of Christ. They were there to give you a helping hand. We Are In A Race Together! What we fail to do for others impacts how each of us will finish! We can either help or hinder the progress each are trying to make. We Push, Shove, And Assault With: Our Words...Our Attitudes... Our Unwillingness To Be Held Accountable...We ostracize, We Show Hatred, We Speak Evil of One Another, and Sow Discord, and refuse to apologize! In Times Past... We had godly mediators who saw or heard of negative behavior and stepped in to help set things right. They helped to bring each up on their responsibility to God and to bring about healing. Those results benefitted the whole church! Yes, Those Were The Good Ole' Days...In Times Past...
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