Colossians 4:5
"Walk in wisdom toward them that are without (unbelievers), redeeming the time." Unbelievers should not see us wasting time, or wasting our talents. They should see that we value life, and what God has given to us. They should never get the impression that we're lazy. They will speak against our faith if they see these things, or speak well of it for the opposite of these things. Everything that we engage in, on the daily, should be looked at in terms of 'Time', time that will count for eternity. There's a lot of frivolous stuff out there to do. Even the things that are 'good' for us to do, can occupy too much of our time if we are not wise and careful. We are ambassadors for Christ. How are we representing Him? We each tell a story of what is going on in our lives by the things we participate in, as well as the amount of time we spend doing them. What impression are others getting from us? Do they see that we are just as caught up in the world's entertainment as they are? Have they ever noticed that you or I choose to separate ourselves from certain activities? When I think about things that count for eternity, I wonder if my activities, on earth, will be of value in heaven. My talents, and abilities, have to be of value beyond this earthly realm. Using my skills to draw others to God is especially important to me. It can't be all about benefiting me, and me alone. It's not about the money I can make, or the attention it brings. It's really about getting honor and glory for God in the end because that's what counts for all eternity. It must have eternal value! What are you occupied with each day? How do you carry yourself on the job? Are you consciously aware of what others may see as you perform your duties day in, and day out? Can they even tell that you are a Christian, or do they see you as merely religous? As things wind down upon the earth, the time is getting closer for our Lord and Savior to break through the clouds and call for His own. How have you and I lived out our Christian lives so far? What do we have to show for the years we've been saved? Will you or I be ashamed at His coming? Let's get better, and better each week, at redeeming the time. Remember, yesterday has passed and we cannot go back and undo anything. All we have is today, this moment, this second. Don't waste any more time, redeem it instead!
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