As Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to His Word, So would we in these latter days, hear and obey our Lord. There would we hear His blessed voice and gaze upon His face, would learn in meekness at His feet what is the woman's place.
Not to usurp authority or take the place of men, yet she can serve in other ways, as did the women then. With ready mind to do His will, like those of long ago, with willing heart to serve Him well, true loyalty to show. Like Hannah, Miriam, Deborah, she may His praises speak; she may lead other women on; she may support the weak; she may train children for the Lord; uphold the fainting heart, inspiring with a steadfast faith the men to do their part. Like Sarah, and like others, too, her husband to obey, with willing hands prepare a feast when strangers come that way, and thus, like Sarah, entertain an angel unaware; "Ye did it unto Me," He'll say, whose eyes are everywhere. Like her who did at Shunem dwell, God's servants to receive; like Abigail in David's day the hungry to relieve; and so we might pursue the tale of women long ago, who served the Lord in simple faith while yet they dwelt below. Who wait upon the Lord their God shall mount on eagle wings, and elder women, taught of Him, are teachers of good things: to teach young women to be wise, discreet, and good, and kind, to serve the Lord with gladsome heart, and with a quiet mind. The elder may the younger teach, the young, those younger still; thus shall they help each other on to do His blessed will, to follow Him, the lowly One, and walk in His blest ways, and thus in all they have to do to live unto His praise. The care of immaturity, of childhood and of youth, to lead the young and wayward feet along the paths of truth, to train them in right ways to go from e'en their earliest days, so they shall still, when older grown, be found in wisdom's ways. To care for all her household well, and bring up worthy sons, to help the poor with kindly deeds, relieve afflicted ones; to comfort those in sore distress, and succor bring to all who need her help, as Phoebe helped the great apostle Paul. Like Persis, Lydia, Tabitha, to labor for the Lord, spend time and substance for the poor and earn a rich reward; to practice hospitality, and oft resort to prayer, to follow on with stedfast mind in all good works to share. Such is the woman's worthy place of service to her Lord; so shall she do His blessed will according to His Word. Who would not gladly serve Him thus? Who would not count it good to hear the Master say at last, "She hath done what she could"?
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