Acts 13:36
"For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption." WHAT WILL YOUR EPITAPH SAY? Epitaph: a phrase or statement written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone. I attend lots of funerals and each year, the numbers are increasing. The Word of God encourages us to attend funerals because funerals make you think about things that you ordinarily wouldn't think about. At a funeral, you listen carefully to what is being said about the deceased. You tend to internalize what happened to them and the words that are being preached (should there be a gospel message shared.). Although I am a Christian, I take in deeply, the things I hear as I sit through funeral after funeral. I too, am challenged about many things. While setting my own house in order, a few years ago, the man who assisted me at the Cemetery, thought it strange that I would want to deal with those matters at my age. I told him that I was not a last minute person and I wouldn't leave that burden on my children. I told him that I was a 'Planner' and that it was a necessary evil, so to speak. As I passed tombstone after tombstone, I saw all types of sayings and comments left by loved ones on behalf of the deceased. Some were comical and interestingly funny, while others were more serious in nature, warning the living who would pass by. I took it to heart. I even saw the graves of my relatives nearby and I mourned the loss over the years, especially, my grandparents because although they were flawed, like us all, they did one thing right, and that was; leading me to Christ! That day at the Cemetery, I thought about what my own tombstone would say...and then I thought again...."Patricia, it will speak about whatever lasting impression you left behind with all who knew you." And then, I seriously began to wonder myself. I know what I want my 'Epitaph' to say about me, but have I been living up to it? What would you want yours to say about you? Are you living up to those words you want etched in stone? It's something for us to think about. I know that the words etched in stone with my name on it has to be words that count for all eternity. It has to reflect a life that was invested in Christ and His people and others. In one sentence it has to wrap up the total essence of my life lived here on earth. Remember, we are all writing the essence of our 'Epitaph' daily! We are leaving a lasting impression on all who know us! We are living it out before them in the total truth of who we are, not the truth of who we want to appear to be! May we attend many funerals, and we will, for those who are middle-aged. May we hear and take it to heart. SERVE YOUR GENERATION WELL!
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